道统的重建与儒学的复兴——论二程政治哲学形成的历史背景与思想渊源……………………………敦 鹏

作者: 时间:2016-04-02 点击数:




敦 鹏

(河北大学 政法学院,河北 保定 071002)

摘 要:二程政治哲学的产生有着深刻的历史背景与丰富的思想渊源。历史背景指自唐代之后门阀士族的衰落与新官僚制度的形成,同时北宋政权的羸弱使得面对异域入侵时逼显出民族和国家意识的提高。思想渊源是指宋代之前的文化思潮对其学说的影响,主要是魏晋以来玄学与佛教对儒家名教的冲击和挑战。二程在构建新的哲学体系过程中,既批判又吸收了佛道两家的哲学资源,同时又自觉地对原始儒家内圣外王的基本理念予以发挥,这使得他们的政治哲学在整个宋代道统重建和儒学复兴过程中占有重要的地位。


中图分类号:B244.6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-2494(2016)02-0001-09


作者简介:敦 鹏(1983-),男,河北石家庄人,副教授,哲学博士,主要研究方向为中国传统政治哲学。

Reconstruction of Confucian Orthodoxy and Revival of Confucianism

——The Historical Background and Ideological Origins of Political Philosophy in the Theory of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi

Dun Peng

(College of Political Science and Law, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, China)

Abstract: Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi’s political philosophy has profound historical background and rich thought origin. Historical background is that since Tang Dynasty after the aristocrats fading with the emerging bureaucratic system formed, and the regime of North Song Dynasty’s weakness facing exotic invasion was forced to show the improvement of ethnic and national consciousness. Thought origin is that before the Song Dynasty, cultural trend of thought on the theory of influence, mainly since Wei Jin metaphysics and Buddhism on Confucian impact and challenge. Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi, in the process construction of a new philosophical system, not only criticized and absorbed the Buddhist and Taoist philosophy and consciously to develop the original Confucian doctrine, which makes their political philosophy occupies important position in the process of Confucian orthodoxy reconstruction and Confucian rejuvenation in the Song Dynasty.

Key words: Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi; neo confucianism; political philosophy; Confucian orthodoxy; the government rule

敦 鹏.pdf

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